App & Courses

Online project!

Além da Voz Course
(Beyond the Voice)

In this course, Iara shares all her knowledge, acquired through years of experience, not only studying and teaching, but also the very experience of it, very successful on stage.

With this course, you can eliminate one of the worst problems in this area, finding someone really qualified, to help you in this process.

Unfortunately, this was something reserved only for the few people who had the opportunity, time and money to make classroom courses with great music professionals.

And as the course is completely online, you'll be able to access from anywhere in the world where you have internet available at any time and within the routine that best fits in the rush of their daily lives.

And with that, Iara and his team, can offer first knowledge in a very simple, practical and inexpensive way!

Classificação Vocal
(Classifying Voice Type)

With this method you can find your vocal classification in only 3 simple steps, and can sing the proper tone, valuing and protecting your voice! And you will win, as a bonus, a wonderful way to discover how to break down the riffs

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